Monday, May 11, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

Meet Mitt the clown...

FNS: Newt Gingrich Says Obama's Prosecution of Terror Is A Partisan Attack On Bush
WALLACE: I want to ask you about one other aspect of this. Pelosi says even if she was briefed on this that there was nothing she could do because these were classified briefings. She and the Republican chairman of the committee got this information. There’s nothing they could do.
You as House speaker received these kinds of briefings back in the ‘90s. If you objected to a secret operation, was there something you could do?
GINGRICH: Sure. I mean, the first thing you do is call the president and tell him you will feel compelled to pass a law cutting off the money. I mean, there are lots of things you can do if you want to do it. The Congress is pretty powerful if it wants to be.
And second, you know, they’ve had control since January of 2007. They haven’t passed a law making waterboarding illegal. They haven’t gone into any of these things and changed law. In fact, they’ve had several -- they -- recently, you find that Attorney General Holder’s own Justice Department is saying, “Well, you know, some of these memos are actually right. They’re not wrong.”

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Cheney needs help and he's scared so in come the heavy weights to help. Now Reid is doing his part to help his pal Darth Cheney. Newt is fighting for the top spot because Rush is now large and incharge.