Friday, May 22, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Friday

Steele on college: ‘I partied my behind off.’
RNC Chairman Michael Steele recently spoke to students at Woodson Senior High School in Washington, DC, for a C-SPAN segment called “Student and Leaders” that will air next Monday. He told them that during his first year of college, he “partied [his] behind off.”
STEELE: My first year at Johns Hopkins, I had a good time. I really did. I partied my behind off. I heard there were classes, and some people told me I really should go. But I was having a good time. … I just networked the heck out of that bad boy. I was getting there. I was talking, I was grooving, I was having a ball!
Santorum: ‘Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony.’

Last night on Fox News, former senator Rick Santorum told Greta Van Susteren that the Republican party “has to stand up for conservative principles.” They have to support the “patrimony” against “a guy named Barack Obama” who wants to upend “our social structure”:

SANTORUM: The other thing we have to do is we have to stand up and say, look, America — Conservatives believe in the stewardship of patrimony. In other words, there are things in America that are really good, that work, have worked for 200 years. And we have a guy named Barack Obama who’s trying to fundamentally rewrite everything, change our economy, change our social structure, change our economy to something new.

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