Friday, May 15, 2009

Paulson memo warned banks to take aid or be ‘exposed’

The CEOs present at the October 13 meeting were Vikram Pandit of Citigroup, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan, Richard Kovacevich of Wells Fargo, John Thain of Merrill Lynch, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Robert Kelly of Bank of New York, and Ronald Logue of State Street Bank.
(Bloomberg) -- Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, describing nine U.S. banks as “central to any solution” of the credit crisis, told their leaders to take government aid or be forced to by regulators, according to a memo his staff prepared for a private meeting in October.
“If a capital infusion is not appealing, you should be aware that your regulator will require it in any circumstance,” Paulson’s one-page list of talking points for the session with the banks’ chief executive officers said.
“We don’t believe it is tenable to opt out because doing so would leave you vulnerable and exposed,” the memo said. Read on.

On a side note:
Email documenting that, on the very day of the meeting, the Chief of Staff to the Treasury Secretary and other top Treasury staff
did not know the names of any of the banks that would be in attendance.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Hank didn't do it he was ordered to blackmail the banks. Look Hank Paulson is so stupid he couldn't tie his shoe lace let alone be in charge of anythng. He did as he was told and he can't name his boss. The Cheney Assassination Squad might get him. Americans are now realizing the President wasn't in charge but it was Dick Cheney who ran the country.