Thursday, May 07, 2009

The past haunts Mike 'in the housz' Steele; Open thread.

About the secret pact between RNC and Steele of the control spending the party funds, a return of one of the key people that Steele booted in the transition.

The agreement, proposed by several current and former RNC officials, goes further, making 33-year RNC veteran Jay Banning, who was fired by Mr. Steele along with his deputy last month, an on-call adviser to the RNC treasurer. Mr. Banning was seen as a trusted liaison to RNC members critical of Mr. Steele’s tenure and financial management.


airJackie said...

Well Michael Steele is now just a figure head with no say about anything. This makes it much easier for Leader Rush Limbaugh. Rush doesn't have to correct Steele for his mistakes now and Ruch can now get ready for the 2012 Election with his running mate Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

California Bank tearing down new homesLove the clown Limbaugh, that look is a natural to him, is there a Hannity and Falafel King clown out there?

OK, Bil scold me later, but the Falafel King had this nut job Dennis Miller on his show last night. and he called the Falafel King "Billy", and of course Billy drooled back.

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native,

I did look for Hannity and Bill-O. I found a Hannity clown. I will post it in a day of two. And no more talks about Hannity. Your're scaring me. I might think you are in love with the imbecile. ;-)

KittyBowTie1 said...

The cat did not see an open thread.

But, the most irritating person in the entire state of Illinois got indicted today. No, not Blago, Drew Peterson, for the death of Wife #3. Wife #4 is still missing.

Peterson is an even bigger arrogant ass than Blago. The cat is happy Peterson got arrested before he got to star on the Bunny Ranch in the reality show on HBO.

Even prostitutes are too good and don't deserve that waste of humanity.