Sunday, May 24, 2009

Palin's Rejection of Federal Funds a Setback For Alaska's Energy Future

Rep. Les Gara is a Democratic member of the Alaska House of Representatives, representing the 23rd District since 2003.

By Rep. Les Gara

Alaska has the highest energy prices in the nation. The solution to the problem isn’t rejecting funds that could (if we choose) be dedicated to build wind, hydro and other renewable energy production.

Urban Alaska is facing a dangerous short-term shortage of natural gas.

Rural Alaska is facing a shortage of affordable, reliable energy. The nation is trying to grapple with an overreliance on foreign oil.

The Governor’s decision doesn’t help the national goal of domestic energy production to minimize our reliance on energy from rogue countries, or countries that are leading to world instability. It doesn’t help the state’s goal of increasing affordable, diversified energy production.
So, obviously, I agree the decision by the Governor was a mistake, and have written to tell her so.

Governor Palin’s decision is as ironic as it is troubling. Ironically, the state is likely to adopt the efficiency measures required by federal law - and just not get the $28 million offered to us for doing so. So - as I've said, what she’s done is as effective as spending your time blowing dandelion seeds into the wind.

I'm confident Alaska will eventually adopt standards for smart, energy efficient construction, and the private sector is already doing this. In that sense, the construction world is passing us by.
Read on.

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