Saturday, May 23, 2009

Open thread for Saturday.


Anonymous said...

Mark Shields was so right on Friday night's Jim Leher's News hour when he said the Republican party is hemoraging members.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Irritating Chicago DJ Mancow had the guts to get waterboarded. Result?


Anonymous said...

I saw the clip on the news last night, that imbecile is on WLS or something, he's the Chicago version of Hannity.

How about WGN giving the Kathy and Judy show the axe, wow~!

Also glad Drew P still has a high bond, at least that will keep us from having to see him all over the news. But now we have Patti Blago going to hit the reality circut. Why can't they downsize to a Bungalow on the South Side, and work a regular job? That's my solution for them. Guess they still have to live large on the North Side.

KittyBowTie1 said...

3rd, Drew Peterson is about twenty times more irritating than Blago and Potty Mouth Patty combined.

For the family, I hope the remains are Staci, so they can get much deserved closure.

airJackie said...

Hi Mr. Kitty, TGCN and Markie I'm fine I've been traveling and didn't get a chance to blog. Don't worry I always talk about you guys to my friends so in a way your with me. I know SPB is worried so this note goes to you too. ''

Now Stelle is running out of time and this black stuff is getting old.

Oh I'll be visiting a Harry Potter event in Chicago with Peaches and yes I noticed Randall so we'll be having lunch when we're there. Sweet isn't it. Don't worry I'll be talking about everyone on this blog because your part of my family too. Oh and I get to meet Senator Boxer at 9 am on July 20th yes I get to tour the White House and the Supreme Court plus I'll be checking out Tim Geithner and the 6th Beatle Peter Orzarg as well. I'll let everyone know how it goes. I'm still away from home so if you don't hear from me often on on the road. I love traveling and meeting new people it gives me a better understanding of what's really going on because the Media get's it wrong all the time.