Friday, May 08, 2009

Obama’s budget eliminates funding for abstinence education programs.


Keeping with a campaign pledge “not continue to fund abstinence-only programs,” President Obama’s 2010 budget — further details of which were released Thursday — cuts funding for “Community-Based Abstinence Education” and several other abstinence-education programs (p. 491):

Indeed, abstinence programs have been shown time and again to be unsuccessful in preventing teen pregnancies. (HT: Ben Smith)


airJackie said...

No worries Bristol and Miss California are doing the talking now. Yes Bristol is telling young people not to do what she did as she continues to do it. Bristol needs the money so she will say anything. Now Levi can't see the kid because Bristol and Sarah are afraid to have the blood test done that the court requires. Miss California is looking for a quote from her bible that says it's ok to have nuke photos. She found the quote that says hate gays or something like that she wasn't sure.

Anonymous said...

A box of Trojans is much cheaper, and works better.

SP Biloxi said...

"A box of Trojans is much cheaper, and works better."

Yeah, no glove no love.