Sunday, May 31, 2009

Obamas' Broadway Saturday night out; GOP reacts

The Obamas headed to New York City to see a play tonight

The first couple's Broadway date:: August Wilson's Joe Turner's Come and Gone at the Belasco Theater on W. 44th Street, according to theater executives cited by The New York Times' The Caucus blog. The White House has billed it as "a personal visit'' to New York - the couple left the White House this afternoon.

The Republican Party is giving the president something of a hard time of it today, pointing to all the people who are out of work, with unemployment ready to surpass 9 percent and a major American automaker teetering on the brink of bankruptcy - the GOP today hits the president with this emailed headline:

Obama "Wings off to New York City for Night on the Town.''We're having trouble understanding what General Motors' problems, or for that matter the joblessness of a lot of Americans, has to do with the president's Saturday night plans.

Maybe it's the conveyance - they aren't simply taking the keys to the limo - and the dustup that the White House faced over the costly photo-op of the "Air Force One" flyover over the Statute of Liberty. The first couple didn't take one of the jumbo jets tonight, however, opting instead for one of the smaller jets in the presidential fleet.
Read on.


airJackie said...

The GOP would rather President Obama pay for the job as President and work for free so the taxpayers wont have to pay. Now I notice how Laura Bush brought plates that cost 100,000 dollars of taxpayers money right after the Stock Market Crash, Bush traveled many many times to the Ranch and then as millions lost their jobs, homes and life savings Bush charged 40 millions to party off the taxpayers. Not one Law Maker refused the big raise while now saying Obama doesn't need a dime as President. We know if McCain won there would be no problem. I've never seen GOP Law makers take their wives out on a date. Eric Cantor went to Britney Spears concert alone and Boehner is never seen with his wife. Maybe these Law makers can learn something from Mr. and Mrs. Obama on how to have a successful marriage as Laura and George were faking it for 8 years.

KittyBowTie1 said...

What's next, complaints on how much Bo's doggie food costs?