Saturday, May 30, 2009

Obama takes toughest stance with Israel in a generation

Beginning in the weeks leading up to President Obama's meetings with Middle Eastern leaders, the administration laid the groundwork for its strong position against Israeli settlements, marking a break from the soft-gloved approach of years past. And this week, tensions have increased between Obama and the new Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, following their meeting last week when Obama said, "there is a clear understanding that we have to make progress on settlements; that settlements have to be stopped in order for us to move forward," the AP reports.

Netanyahu's frustration with the Obama administration's demands was made apparent Wednesday when, according to Foreign Policy, he vented to a confidante the question: "What the hell do they want from me?"

According to the Woodrow Wilson Center's Aaron David Miller, speaking to McClatchy, Obama's intransigence and direct rhetoric on the contentious settlements issue is risky policy. From McClatchy:

"What we're seeing from the Obama administration is an uncharacteristically tough policy on settlements without a corresponding detailed strategy to justify it. It looks like a significant fight with the Israelis,"

"They've essentially issued an ultimatum to Israel . It's a game of chicken, an Obama-Netanyahu game of chicken."
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Israel had it all planned out with Granpappy McCain as President. Israel was going to wipe Palestine off the map, use the US to bomb Iran/Syria and then Israel would take control of all of the Palestine land to be in position to move onward to Iraq/Egypt and more. Land is power and as Israel pointed out God gave Israel all of the Middle East and with the help of the US the bible would be forfulled. Now you know once Israel completed taking over the Middle East the US would be their next target. Israel only has 150 Nuclear Weapons so they would use the US to bomb the countries who might want to stop the take over. Yes Sarah was correct the US would have a pre emptive attack on Russia while Israel waited out to see who wins.