Thursday, May 14, 2009

Now who was in charge? Bush, Dick, or Rummy?

Media need to do their homework. It 's all about the timeline.
On March 25, 2003, Bush amended and replaced Clinton's Executive Order 12958 with Executive Order 13292. Executive Order 13292 gave the vice president the same power of the president in dealing with classified material....Executive Order 13292 was real evidence of real power in the vice president's office. The Iraq War began March 20, 2003. Bush signed that new order 5 days afterthe Iraq war.
Here was Clinton's Executive Order 12958 in April 17, 1995 in regards to Classification Authority:Sec. 1.4. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the Federal Register; or

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph

Here was Bush's Executive Order 13292: Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and, in the performance of executive duties, the Vice President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the Federal Register; and

(3) United States Government officials delegated this authority pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section.

Dec 2, 2002 - Memo from the Department of Defense summarizing approved methods of interrogation, with annotation from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld

In the memo pic below, Rumsfield wrote: "However, I stand for 6-10 hours a day.Why is standing limited to 4 hours?"

On a side note: Rummy was giving approval of methods of interrogation prior to the U.S.invasion to Iraq.

Finally, FBI e-mail – dated May 22, 2004 [see below pic]– followed disclosures about abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison and sought guidance on whether FBI agents in Iraq were obligated to report the U.S. military’s harsh interrogation of inmates when that treatment violated FBI standards but fit within the guidelines of a presidential Executive Order.

According to the e-mail, Bush’s Executive Order authorized interrogators to use military dogs, “stress positions,” sleep “management,” loud music and “sensory deprivation through the use of hoods, etc.” to extract information from detainees in Iraq.

It makes you wonder why former Veep Dick Cheney is hellbent on the T.V. circuit to squash any future investigations into the torture memos, secret prisons, and the torture techniques on detainees.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Your right SPB follow the paper trail and the dates and it shows why Cheney is out and all over the place. Bush just held the titile of President while Dick Cheney ran the country and signed the orders. I must say the White House Propagand Department did a great job at fooling the American people with the help of the Media and Press. But no matter what Obama chooses to do, Cheney has to answer to other countries as he had their citizens tortured.