Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memo to GOP grinches: The Obamas paid for the dinner and show.

The GOP has nothing better else to do.I hear nothing about date nights with the Repubs and their wives.

(h/t Talkleft): And to the grinchy Republicans out there who are griping about cost, the Obamas paid for their show tickets and dinner. Who paid all those times Bush flew to his ranch in Crawford? Do you think Bush would have told America he was foregoing his vacation to Crawford because GM was filing for bankruptcy?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

President Obama and our First Lady have cut back on spending from the first day they walked in the White House. Repbulicans would like President Obama to work for nothing and take the train. Bush spent taxpayers money like it was growing on trees with not one person saying a word. Our President works six to seven days a week for the American people even before he took office. For eight years Bush has done nothing but spend money and fly to his Ranch in Texas. It's clear the Republicans don't want Obama as President but it's getting silly with their comments.