Saturday, May 09, 2009

How many lawyers does Blago need?


Lawyers for former Ill. Governor Rod Blagojevich have been battling the Government over whether he can use his campaign fund, Friends of Blagojevich (“FOB”) to pay legal fees. The Government obtained a temporary restraining order against the funds, claiming they are forfeitable. Blagojevich says he needs the money in the fund to pay for lawyers.

It appears a solution has been agreed on. The funds will turned over to the Court and put into a special account, from which the Court will allow his lawyers to be paid at the Criminal Justice Act rate of $110.00 per hour.
The Government notes in a filing this week (Doc. 85, available on PACER)that no lawyer has yet entered an appearance yet for Blagojevich.
So, Blagojevich cannot afford to pay personally for his own defense. And the Government and Court are willing to allow his lawyers to be paid from his campaign fund so long as they work for the reduced rate of $110 per hour and the disbursments are administered by the Cout.

Does Blagojevich even have a lawyer willing to work on the case? AUSA Patrick Fitzgerald writes,

First, despite an indictment being returned on April 2, 2009, not a single lawyer has filed an appearance for defendant Rod Blagojevich in the instant case.

Second, despite suggestions in prior court filings that defendant Rod Blagojevich has at least four defense lawyers willing to work on his case, the government has only had discussions with a single lawyer working on behalf of defendant Rod Blagojevich.


airJackie said...

Ok G=Rod is still playing games. He will milk the system until the Judge puts a stop to it.

Anonymous said...

Blago is a lawyer......he could save money by doing it himself.

KittyBowTie1 said...

TGCN--I'm so hoping for that!!!!!

That arrogant know-it-all's mouth would totally get him into it deeper!!!!