Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day; Open thread

And Kittybowtie: Take care of mama!


airJackie said...

To all the Mom's I wish a Happy Mother's Day and to the Dad's who do their equal share I wish them a Happy Mother's Day also. To my special fuzzy friend Mr. Kitty Bowtie I wish the best of everything and a special blessing to MaMa. Mr. Kitty have fun chasing the rabbits but don't hurt them I like rabbits.

markie said...

happy mother's dayall you mothers.

PrissyPatriot said...

Happy Mother's Day, to all my justice blogger friends:D

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers day!

It's great the Chicago Blackhawks are in the playoffs, it's bad they asked all their male fans not to shave until they go all the way, and seriously, I now know a lot of guys who look better without the beard.

SP Biloxi said...

Have Mother's Day to all!

KittyBowTie1 said...

I was a bad kitty. I woke Mama up early when she did not have to get up for work. Someone's doggie got loose this evening and chased two rabbits under Mama's wooden porch. The rabbits were safe but probably scared.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!