Friday, May 29, 2009

Governator proposes 5% cut in employee salaries

Reporting from Sacramento -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Thursday readied a proposal to cut state worker salaries by an additional 5% as local government officials lambasted his bid to take $2 billion from cities and counties to help curb the state's growing budget deficit.

The governor's proposed salary reduction would affect 235,000 state workers who already are taking mandatory unpaid furloughs to help the state grapple with a projected budget gap of $24.3 billion.

Combined with the furloughs, ordered by Schwarzenegger earlier this year, the new proposed salary cuts would push many state employees' wages down by about 15%, saving the state $470 million."Everyone in the state is cutting back right now -- businesses, families," said Matt David, a spokesman for Schwarzenegger. "The governor feels it's very important that state workers do the same thing."

The new proposal would not affect employees of the state Legislature or court system, another spokesman said.
Read on.
Update: I knew this was going to happen..
Besides the failure of his recent budget measures last week and the consistently growing state deficit, a petition to recall Schwarzenegger has been approved by Secretary of State Debra Bowen.
The group behind the petition is the Taxpayers United to Recall Governor Schwarzenegger, which is represented by John D. Fusek of La Habra, the group’s main proponent. In order to insure qualification, the group needs to collect 1,041,530 signatures by October 22. That number is roughly 12 percent of votes cast for the governor in the last election. The petition’s main argument is that Schwarzenegger has increased taxes and spending, which has hurt California’s residents and has led to the current state deficit.


Anonymous said...

And closing all State Parks, and the Gov Mansion.

Former Gov Rod shut down some of the State Parks.

With people cutting back on vacations, more and more are going to State Parks verses Disney, or other theme Parks. We have Great America north of Chicago that is in trouble due to attendance being down, they are now offering kids prices for everyone, and free admission to the water park when you buy the theme park ticket. Of course tickets were $55 and $34 for kids, still expensive but maybe a few more will take the one day family vacation there.

airJackie said...

TGCN the Terminator doesn't wear underwear so what do you expect. Now I signed the form already to recall Arnie so by the time I get back from vacation he will be gone. He did the wrong thing by taking from those who have nothing and to hurt kids and old people is about the lowest.

KittyBowTie1 said...

G-Rod only closed state parks in Republican areas.

The irony of the Governator getting 'Gray Davised' is hilarious.