Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gonzo on Sotomayor: ‘By any measure, she is well-qualified.’

Gonzo needs a job. ;)


Since President Obama announced Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court Tuesday morning, conservatives — such as Karl Rove — have publicly questioned whether she has the qualifications and “intellect” for the job. Today on CNN, however, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said there is “no question” that Sotomayor is qualified:

GONZALES: I have no questions in my mind about her qualifications in terms of education, experience. A president is not required to nominate the most qualified person to the court. I think he’s obliged to nominate someone who is well-qualified, and I think by any measures, she is well-qualified. I think there are legitimate questions about her judicial philosophy.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Why would anyone care what Gonzo thinks when he lied under oath 72 times. Judge Sotomayor is more qualified then everyone on the Supreme Court right now. The sad thing is she is better qualified then even the Chief Justice. Now the GOP are calling Sonia racist and it shows they have nothing.