Friday, May 08, 2009

Global warming flood in Wasilla forces Palin to cancel correspondents dinner appearance.


Because of a climate disaster, global warming skeptic Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) has been forced to cancel her attendance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. The Wall Street Journal reports that an “unusually warm spring thaw in Alaska is causing some of the state’s worst flooding in decades, with rising rivers wiping out an entire village and bombarding another town with ice chunks as big as houses”:

Gov. Sarah Palin on Thursday was scheduled to fly over the stricken areas after canceling a planned trip to the East Coast for primarily state business. The governor on Wednesday had declared a disaster for the flooded areas, including the Susitna River, which runs through her hometown of Wasilla near Anchorage.
The floods resulted from “a rare combination of unusually heavy winter snow and a spring warm-up over the past week that saw temperatures soar into the 70s — a good 20 degrees higher than normal for this time of year.” Palin “had planned to attend the White House Correspondent’s Dinner this weekend in Washington, D.C., but a spokesman said her husband, Todd, would attend in her stead.”

And this piece of news from Crooks and Liars:

What the AP failed to tell us was that Sarah Palin was invited to the dinner by FOX News. No seriously, FOX News invited her as a guest. They are trying to help her run for President in 2012.
Shuster: Why would she want to go to the White House's Correspondence Dinner to begin with, I think I know the answer, but I'll let you explain.
Barr: Well, she was an invited guest of FOX News. As you know the WH Correspondents Dinner is kind of THE event for all the A-Lister's in Washington and if she's going to be a national player , you know a lot of the other players are going to be there, so if there was nothing major going on home, this was something that definitely she could have come to and gotten a lot of attention for.Shuster: You know Andy, you said something that caught me by surprise. I didn't realize, she was an invited guest of FOX News?
Barr: Yes, she was invited, that's correct. She was going to stay there. I believe Todd Palin is sitting in for her.
Shuster: Alright, I'm just going to keep my mouth shut on that one...


Anonymous said...

Blast from the past!make sure to scroll down to the part where the Falafel King finds this offensive to women (click on the video) come on.....really?! That't nothing compared to his past antics, pa leeze, let's see what his ex-producer finds offensive and it's not Eminems video of Palin dancing with a polar bear and Eskimo.

airJackie said...

Sarah is currently on the listening tour but will return to Alaska. Now Fox News has no Journalist or reporters so they are giving their invitations to Republicans in need of help. First Dude will replace Sarah but Dude might pick up a honey or two before the dinner and after the dinner. Sarah campaigned hard against Global Warming going so far as to say there was no problem until well God let Sarah know what time it is. Sarah's poll numbers are dropping faster the melting ice and soon she'll never Karl Rove's fixed voting machines to help her win. The Oil company is no longer giving those kick backs so Sarah needs money. Bristol is an unemployed, uneducated, non high school degree and unwed Mother so she needs the money. Bristol wont let Levi have a blood test to prove he's the Father. Comments in the Alaska Press some think the child is not Levi's and if Bristol goes to court for child support she will have to have a blood test first.

Anonymous said...

Oh my I have not been following the unwed mother thing, thanks for updating Jackie.

And this is the GOP, they hold their bibles and guns and say they are above all Liberals, oh I tryed to watch the Falafel Factor but Billy said all the comedy writers are liberal, he had the example of Letterman saying Obama said he only knows 14 or 15 Spanish words, but it's ok since that's all the English words Bush knew.

Yep I thought Billy was going to blow a gasket, didn't happen so I had to turn the station.