Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Former CIA agent slams Dick as ‘hypocritical’

Former Vice President Dick Cheney is acting like a hypocrite, according to CIA special agent turned radio host Jack Rice. Appearing on MSNBC Monday morning, Rice said he would like to see all the torture memos released, not just the ones Cheney is pushing to have disclosed.

Since leaving office, Cheney has constantly bashed President Barack Obama for releasing Bush administration memos that authorized some controversial torture techniques. On a Sunday talk show, Cheney went so far as to claim that torturing terror war prisoners saved “hundreds of thousands” of lives. Cheney also pressed the Obama administration to release memos that he says will prove valuable intelligence was gleaned from torture.

“Look, you know what, I’d like to see all the memos, really …” said Rice. “I find it hypocritical from the vice president when he says, ‘I wanna see everything released.’ And he says this as soon as he’s not in a position to release them? If he really wanted to release these before, he could have. He could have gone down the process, and I’m sure nobody would have stood in the way. Instead, he waits until he’s out and says, ‘Oh, well, I would have done it.’”
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

Cheney needs a lawyer quick because he is talking his way right to jail. Loose lips sink ships and Darth Cheney is sinking fast.