Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Federal prosecutor withholds evidence, begs for leniency


In Boston, Assistant US Attorney Suzanne Sullivan admitted withholding evidence that a cop changed his story in a gun case and begged the Judge at a hearing yesterday not to impose sanctions against her.

It only came to light because the Judge reviewed her notes of interviews with the cop.

She's been a federal prosecutor for three years and was a state prosecutor for 11 years before that. She's a member of the United States Attorney's Organized Crime Task Force. In other words, she's no rookie and she knows the law.

The Judge, while noting she has admitted the mistake and that it was not intentional or strategic, has taken the matter under advisement, stating it's hardly the first such lapse in the Boston U.S. Attorney's office: [More...]


PrissyPatriot said...

Wow. So is she good with the defendant begging for leniency?

airJackie said...

Not to proud to beg and plea for her life. Why is it that those who have power abuse it and then act like they should get a light sentance. I remember the Prosecutors cheering and high fiving when they set up and lied on Jean Palfrey even the Judge was in on the fix.