Friday, May 08, 2009

Dijon derangement syndrome: Conservative media attack Obama for burger order

And I guess I didn't miss much of the news from Planet Wingnuttia. Pay no attention to the ex-bartender and journalist wannabe behind the curtain. Fox News is the swine flu network in which the public need a vaccine dosage everyday. Chicago Native: Go easy on the bombastic lad. He was dropped when he was born...

SUMMARY: Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Mark Steyn criticized President Obama as an elitist because he ordered a burger with "spicy mustard" or "Dijon mustard."

Following President Obama's May 5 visit to Ray's Hell Burger in Arlington, Virginia, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Rush Limbaugh Show guest host Mark Steyn criticized Obama as an elitist because he ordered a burger with "spicy mustard" or "Dijon mustard." Hannity claimed that Obama ordered a "fancy burger" with a "very special condiment," while Steyn asserted Obama is trying "to enlighten us" through his order. Ingraham asked of Obama: "What kind of man orders a cheeseburger without ketchup but Dijon mustard? ... The guy orders a cheeseburger without ketchup? What is that?" In their discussions of Obama's burger order, Hannity, Ingraham, and Steyn all referenced a Grey Poupon commercial featuring actors portraying wealthy British men expressing desire for the mustard.
Read on from Media Matters.


airJackie said...

With things going good I see Fox News has nothing else to say except what's the mustard on the burger. I know people all over the World are laughing at the US because people are so stupid it's beyond any intelligence. This clearly shows why the US is ranked so low in education. Just think these are the people are kids are listening to and will follow.

Anonymous said...

OK, Bil take it easy on the Weasel, he needs more makeup, that's the best I can do.

Anonymous said...

and eewwwww, cough, cough, choke, choke in love with a Weasel, get out of the way if we are on the same street I will run anyone over to get to the other side, worse than the site of pycho Laura, or the Falafel King. But if he saw someone running he would hide behind some lady like he does when reporters and such are after him. And that is another reason for me to get accross the street fast.

SP Biloxi said...

"OK, Bil take it easy on the Weasel, he needs more makeup, that's the best I can do."

Hannity would look more like the joker with more makeup than a clown. Seriously, if Obama sneezes the wrong way, Hannity and the swine flu network would make that news.

Anonymous said...

I am telling you they are foaming at the mouth on Faux.

And Nancy Grace, geeze Louise, she is all over the Drew Peterson story......ughh, and she will beat this to death since there is a little something new. Honestly here in Illinois, we are so tired of that old Fart Peterson, glad he is locked up, we can only hope it's for good. At least we will have less of him to deal with.
Glad the cat house thing fell through.....and so is Mr. Kitty.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Mr. Kitty, I know none of these cats is what your all about!