Saturday, May 30, 2009

Confronting Obama; Open thread.


airJackie said...

I read about Barack's grandfather and Uncle on Yahoo today. Now he's a shocker or should I say God's plan at work. Barack looks just like his GrandFather but with dark sin. Yes as a young man Mr. Durham was a white Barack and now Barack is a black Mr. Durham. God loves colors I guess. Barack's Uncle said when he sees Barack on TV he sees his brother again and the same smile. The pictures of young Durham/Barack were side by side and it was so clear they are the same. You guys have got to see it. I don't know how to attach stuff so either google or go to yahoo and check it out.

Oh and something is with guys in the old days about having sons. Barack's GrandFather named his daughter Stanly because he wanted a son, now strange my Dad name me Jack after Jackie Robinson but had to add on letters because I was a girl yes folks it weird but my name is spelled Jackalyn. My Father said he couldn't change the birth certificate so they had to add letters.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Illinois may get recall for governors, just governors.Wussies

There should be recall on any politician, at any time.

KittyBowTie1 said...

BTW, Mama went to the University of Illinois and is freaking pissed.

Rezko UThere is supposed to be a list of politicians and more in Sunday's paper.

SP Biloxi said...

Wow, Mr. Kitty. No wonder the students graduate stupid, thanks to those "politicians."

SP Biloxi said...

P.S. I agree woth you Mr. Kitty. There should be a recall bill sent to the Senate for politicans, lawmakers, Representatives, or anyone holding office that are corrupted so that they can be recalled and shown the door. That bill should be just for Blago example.