Monday, May 11, 2009

Cheney to testify under oath about torture program? Don't hold your breath.


When host Bob Schieffer asked Cheney on Sunday whether he would be willing to testify to Congress under oath, Cheney initially hedged, but then indicated that he would be willing to do so:

SCHIEFFER: Would you go back and talk to the Congress?

CHENEY: Certainly. I’ve made it very clear that I feel very strongly that what we did here was exactly the right thing to do. And if I don’t speak out, then where do we find ourselves, Bob? Then the critics have free run, and there isn’t anybody there on the other side to tell the truth. So it’s important — it’s important that we…

SCHIEFFER: Senator Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, was on this broadcast recently. And I said, do you intend to ask the former vice president to come up? And he said if he will testify under oath. Would you be willing to testify under oath?

CHENEY: I’d have to see what the circumstances are and what kind of precedent we were setting. But certainly I wouldn’t be out here today if I didn’t feel comfortable talking about what we’re doing publicly.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Remember when everyone waited for Cheney to testify at the Libby case yet it never happen. Cheney is giving lip service as he will stall as long as he can.