Saturday, May 09, 2009

Carpetbagger Alan Keyes, Obama Birth Certificate Obsessive, Arrested On Charges Of Trespassing


One-time presidential candidate, failed MSNBC talk show host, and U.S. Senate hopeful Alan Keyes was one of 22 people arrested yesterday morning on charges of trespassing. The group--26 in total--had convened to protest President Barack Obama's upcoming commencement speech at Notre Dame University.

Anti-abortion groups have been livid ever since the Catholic school invited Obama (who is pro-choice) to address this years graduating class a couple months ago, and the fact that, as part of the arrangement, Obama will receive an honorary degree has, in their minds, added insult to injury.


airJackie said...

Let's hope they take him to Gitmo and when it closes transport him to a foreign country.

Anonymous said...

Here's another crazed GOP that won't go away. They could give him a slot on the Faux news network and keep him busy, he fits right in with the rest of them.