Thursday, May 21, 2009

California elected officials got pay cut of 18% for those elected next year

The California Citizens Compensation Commission slashes pay for the governor, legislators and statewide officeholders who are elected next year. State law protects current elected officials.

Citing pay decreases and layoffs being imposed on rank-and-file state workers, the California Citizens Compensation Commission approved the reduction, which also applies to the state attorney general, superintendent of public instruction, controller, insurance commissioner, treasurer, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and members of the Board of Equalization."I think they should share in the sacrifices that everyone else has had to encounter," Commissioner Kathy Sands, a former Auburn mayor, said after the panel's 5-1 vote at a meeting in Burbank.The commission had wanted to decrease current officials' pay, but the panel's attorney said California law does not allow that.

Commission Chairman Charles Murray said the panel's move would allow savings close to those that would have been achieved if a 10% cut had gone into effect this year and continued through next year.
Read on.

Also this:

U.S. backs off threat to withhold California stimulus money:
Obama administration tells Gov. Schwarzenegger that the state did not violate the stimulus law by cutting pay for home healthcare workers. It is eligible for $8 billion more for its Medicaid program.

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