Friday, May 29, 2009

The Burris meltdown

(h/t The Capitol Fax Blog)

Burris’ explanation about why he failed to inform the House impeachment committee about his conversation with Blago is priceless

Asked Wednesday why he did not tell an Illinois House impeachment committee about the conversation, Burris replied: “You’re being asked questions and one thing you don’t do is to try to volunteer information that wasn’t asked. There was no obligation there.”“No obligation.” Great. A former state attorney general sets a fine example for everyone.

Folks, listen to the FBI wiretap of Roland Burris talking to Rob Blagojevich. In fact, Burris should listen to himself on the FBI wiretap!

Here was Burris' affidavit

Prior to the December 26, 2008 telephone call from Mr. [Sam] Adams Jr., there was not any contact between myself or any of my representatives with Gov. Blagojevich or any of his representatives regarding my appointment to the United States Senate.

And no mention of his conversation with Blago's brother? Once again, did Burris lie? Does a zebra have stripes?

Burris claims 'slip of the tongue': What he meant to say was…

A full transcript of the conversation released by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald’s office also showed that Burris offered to donate to Blagojevich’s fund “in the name of” his lawyer, Timothy Wright, which is illegal.

Burris called that a slip of the tongue, insisting he should have said that he would be willing to encourage Wright to contribute.“That was a slip,” he said. “I said, ‘in the name of.’ It should have been, ‘by Tim Wright.’

lol. Burris now has a new pet project: Burris is pitching a book deal

“It is temporarily being called The Empty Seat,” said Jassin, referring to Burris’ Senate seat, which was once occupied by President Obama. It has become a focus of the feds’ “pay to play” probe.

Finally, what does the first lawmaker that was offered Obama's Senate seat and declined the offer has to say about the Burris fiasco:

Danny Davis says he’s glad he didn’t take the appointment when Blagojevich offered it…
“I’m more than glad. As a matter of fact, I thank God every day,” laughed the baritone-voiced Davis.


Anonymous said...

Just another recurring pathetic event in Illinois.

Now we have another Alderman in hot water.

airJackie said...

Thanks guys I saw the dude and read about Baby Fitz. I know you want the Todd don't worry he'll be caught next Fitz is on the job.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Tombstone was not even smart enough to claim a senior moment, or pull a Reagan memory.