Thursday, May 14, 2009

Billions withdrawn before Madoff arrest

About $12 billion was pulled out of accounts at Bernard L. Madoff’s firm in 2008, according to several people briefed on an analysis of Mr. Madoff’s business records.

About $6 billion, or half, was taken out in just the three months before the financier was arrested in December and charged with operating an extensive
Ponzi scheme, these people said.

Those figures offer a bit of hope for Mr. Madoff’s thousands of defrauded customers. Under federal law, the trustee overseeing the Madoff bankruptcy can sue to retrieve that money from the investors who withdrew it.

Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I watched the life of Bernie Madoff on PBS. Yes Bernie learned from his father-in-law how to steal from first jewish friends then others. It was a small controlled stealing business that kept the Madoff family in their rich life style. Now what was strange is how Jewish clients were so much like Bernie and knew this was a corrupt business but said as long as they were getting money they didn't care. As you see Bernie was giving them big bucks of other people's money. Well Bernie's Republican friends learned of the scam and developed a bigger one this time they used the US Treasury Department. Yes Bernie continued to steal but as Republicans went international so did Bernie. In short Bernie got Greedy and if not for the US Recession Bernie would still be in business today. His only hope is that a Republican get in the White House. As all the attention is on Bernie the biggest crime of the century goes under the radar and that is the 10 Trillion dollars stolen from US taxpayers. As the doors were closing in and the inside informaation was knewn to the inter circle of rich Republicans, Bernie quickly hidde his money all over. Bernie will not spill any information on others who used his scam because as we see Cheney will walk for committing torture, Bernie will fine a way out even if he has to do the same thing as Ken Lay and fake his death. Look Republicans know their tricks work as it's worked for 8 years and counting.