Sunday, May 24, 2009


The Los Angeles Times:

With deficit forecasts growing darker by the day, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering a plan to slash California’s safety net for the poor by eliminating the state’s main welfare program, health insurance for low-income families and cash grants to college students.

The stark proposal surfaced in testimony by the administration at a joint legislative hearing Thursday that followed the governor’s decision to withdraw a week-old plan to borrow $5.5 billion to help balance the budget.
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Anonymous said...

When you eliminate health care from people who don't have any, you eliminate people from being treated for contagious diseases.
That is just one of many disadvantages, but everyone pays for people without healthcare.

These folks eventually get so sick from lack of medical care, they eventually end up at an ER, where there treatment could have been cured by antibiotics, or less costly measures at the get go. Now they can't be refused by an ER because they are too sick, and they can't pay.

Well I could keep going, but dumb move Gropinator.

airJackie said...

This is showing who the Terminator really is. To take from the lease of us is truely a sad evil person. I hope the people of California step up to the plate my real wish is the Terminator gets kicked out of office.