Sunday, May 10, 2009

WH correspondents dinner jokes: Limbaugh, Hannity, Steele, Boner, Cheney, etc.

Anyone remember this? This from a movie in the '70's with actors Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor in Silver Streak. WH correspondent dinner had some zingers of poking fun and crack up jokes from Obama and comedian Wanda Sykes. I saw some of the event on C-Span. See some of my comments on twitter:

Obama getting one at Boner's spray on tan was priceless.

Obama: "Boehner is a person of's just not a color found in the natural world. Wassup, John?"

Obama on Michael Steele: Obama had some fun with RNC chairman Michael Steele at Saturday's
White House Correspondents Association dinner, noting Steele's penchant for using street slang and telling him for the last time, the GOP cannot have a bailout and they cannot cite Rush Limbaugh as a "troubled asset." WATCH: Obama Pokes Fun At Michael Steele And His Love Of Street Slang.

Now we turn to Wanda Sykes. Wanda on Palin:

Sykes aimed one of her dirtier jokes at Governor Sarah Palin. Sykes noted that Palin had been scheduled to appear but then pulled out at the last minute. Sykes then remarked: "Somebody should tell her that's not really how you practice abstinence."
WATCH: Wanda Sykes Knocks Sarah Palin Over Abstinence

Wanda on El Rushbo, Cheney, and Hannity:
Sykes took a couple of shots at Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. She speculated that Limbaugh was actually the 20th hijacker on 9/11 and derided Hannity for not living up to his pledge to be waterboarded for the troops.


Sykes: But Mr. President you've had your fair share of critics. You know, even Sen. McCain. Sen. McCain gave you grief about the new helicopter that you didn't order. You know I think Mr. McCain is just a little bitter because he wanted to be in the new helicopter. Just tell Mr. McCain I'm sure if you asked nicely your wife will buy you a helicopter.

Rush Limbaugh, one of your big critics. Boy, Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails. Yeah. So you're saying I hope America fails. It's like I don't care about people losing their homes, losing their jobs, our soldiers in Iraq. He just wants the country to fail. To me that's treason. He's not saying anything differently than what Osama bin Laden is saying. You know, you might want to look into this sir but I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th highjacker but he was just so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight.

Rush Limbaugh, I hope the country fails. I hope his kidneys fail. How 'bout that? He needs a good waterboarding. That's what he needs.

Sean Hannity....Sean Hannity said he was going to get waterboarded for charity for our armed forces. He hasn't done it yet I see. You know talking about he can take a waterboarding. Please. Hey okay you might want to get waterboarded by someone you know or trust but let somebody from Pakistan waterboard him, or Keith Olbermann. Let Keith Olbermann waterboard him. He can't take a waterboarding.

I could break Sean Hannity just by giving him a middle seat in coach. Oh I need leg room!!

Dick Cheney...he's a scary man..scares me to death. I tell my kids, I say look if two cars pull up and one has a stranger and the other car has Dick get in the car with the stranger.

More coverage of the White House Correspondents Association dinner: watch complete speeches by President Obama and Wanda Sykes, and see a slideshow of celebs and politicos.

On a side note: Saw Beck out in the audience. Beck wasn't too happy on Sykes' jokes on El Rushbo and Hannity. The look on his face from watching C-Span video was priceless.


airJackie said...

Wanda is raw and you better be ready or don't go there. President Obama seem to have a great time. Now I always wondered how Boner kept his tan all year round. I learned he uses spray tan but he must use the real dark shade because he does look the color of Barack. All the names were out there and Michael Steele got punked. In the house!!!

KittyBowTie1 said...

Wanda was on her best behavior.

I thought her short-lived TV show where she worked for a Washington, D.C. TV show was hilarious. One of her assignments was to take the camera guy out with her to show how easy it is to buy a gun. So, she pulls a gun out of a paper bag and said TV news shows end up teaching people how to buy guns so instead we decided to show you the people who bought guns. The next scenes were all interviews with crazy people who just bought guns and were coming out of the gun store.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Rats. It does not look like anyone sells "Wanda at Large" episodes on DVD.