Friday, April 10, 2009

Who are the Stevens six?


So it's worth taking a very quick look at what we know about the backgrounds of the prosecutors in question -- call them the "Stevens Six" -- who are now being probed for contempt, to try to assess what's going on here.

The Stevens Six:

1. William Welch II
Welch is the head of the department's Public Integrity unit, which handles government corruption cases. In 2007, he was given the job after winning local plaudits for his work as a federal prosecutor with the US Attorney's office in Springfield, Massachusetts, where he led a wide-ranging investigation into corruption in city government. Though Welch did not actively participate in the Stevens trial, he supervised the prosecution team as the head of the PI unit.
The Northampton, Mass native is said to have lobbied to take over the US Attorney job in Springfield -- an effort that now appears unlikely to pay off.

2. Brenda Morris
Morris was the lead prosecutor on the Stevens case, and the deputy head of the Public Integrity unit. A Washington DC native who's said to be "known for her high energy and snap one-liners at trial", Morris has worked at the unit since 1991, first as a trial attorney, then as the deputy chief for litigation, before being appointed to her current post.

Morris' assignment as lead prosecutor on the case -- just days before Stevens was indicted -- reportedly rankled some of the Alaska-based prosecutors who had built the case, as well as Welch himself. But the objections were dismissed by Matthew Friedrich, then the head of the department's criminal division, and his deputy, Rita Galvin. Critics of the move say valuable time was wasted bringing Morris up to speed on the details of the case.

3. Nicholas Marsh
Marsh is a trial attorney with the Public Integrity unit, which he joined in 2004, after spending the previous two years at Hale and Dorr in New York. Soon after joining the department, he was dispatched to Alaska as part of the wide-ranging probe into corruption in Alaskan politics. As part of that effort -- and along with Sullivan, Bottini, and Goeke -- Marsh helped successfully prosecute seven one-time Alaska lawmakers and lobbyists for corruption. He reportedly had reservations about the decision to put Morris in charge of the Stevens prosecution.

4. Edward Sullivan
Sullivan, another trial attorney, came to the PI unit in 2006 from DOJ's Commercial Litigation Branch. He teamed with Marsh and the others on the Alaska prosecutions, and also is reported to have objected to the Morris decision.

5. and 6. Joseph Bottini and James Goeke
Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the Alaska office, Bottini and Goeke played major roles in the succcessful prosecutions of Alaska lawmakers and lobbyists.

In other words, these are by and large career prosecutors, none of whom have obvious records of political activism on either side. These were serious missteps by veterans who should have known better -- and an independent prosecutor will determine whether they were deliberate enough to qualify as contempt.

But by all appearances, they were the product of incompetence, poor oversight, turf wars, and an overzealous approach to the job, which led them to run roughshod over established legal procedure -- rather than of the overt politicization we saw, for instance, in the US Attorney firings scandal.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Something smells in Denmark as this case was ordered fixed from the top. Each one of these so called experienced career lawyers would have known things were incorrect. My guess is a few were in on the fix others joined in later as it was made clear what the out come was to be. To say all this was a mistake means we have no qualified people in Law. Just think with the resume of some of these Prosecutors they could have been appointed Judges. Now are we to believe one of these people would have made thing kind of mistake even as a Judge with all their experience. I'm not buying the fake beans. It was AG Muskasey that cleared up the question as to this being a fixed case. Muskasey knew the jig was up so he never answered Judge Sullivan and Muskasey slid out leaving the Deputy Doe Boy to warm and seat for the new AG. Yes the Doe Boy just set in the office and ate junk food until Eric Holder was confirmed.