Thursday, April 02, 2009

White House: House GOP budget--an April Fool's joke.

The GOP's Starving for Recovery budgetless budget plan has become the April Fool's joke for 2009. They should have revealed their plan on April 2 in order to look less clownish.
Democrats, in contrast, had plenty to say, with Obama officials mocking the Republican document as a sad April Fools prank.
"If you expected a GOP alternative to the failed policies of the past that got our country into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, then I have two words for you: April Fool's," said Kenneth Baer, OMB communications director.
Another administration official added on background: "We read the Ryan budget alternative -- or what we know of it -- in the Wall Street Journal. It appears that this is more of the same failed policies that got us into this mess."
Meanwhile, Austan Goolsbee, an economic adviser to the president and increasingly active administration spokesman, told MSNBC:
"Well, look, I thought it was most appropriate that this thing came out on April Fools' Day because this thing is the biggest April Fools' Joke and cruelest that we have had in years.
If you look at what they are doing...they are calling for putting in a multi-trillion dollar additional tax cut for the highest income Americans, they are now talking about privatizing Medicare turning it into a voucher so that they can cut it substantially. That's not the reform of an entitlement -- it is the gutting of a program."
Read on.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

My friend Mr. Kitty is smarter then the cat posted. Just had to say that.

Now it was a dumb move to re-release the stupid budget on April Fools day, now any budget will be looked at as a joke.