Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Warren: Fire top management at AIG and Citi


We're late to this, but it looks like Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard Law professor who chairs the Congressional Oversight panel for the TARP funds, is upping the ante.

After several months of raising the alarm about the Treasury Department's failure to attach strings to the bailout funds, to little apparent effect, Warren will issue a hard-hitting report this week that broadly indicts the Obama administration's approach to the financial crisis, reported the British paper The Observer over the weekend.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Yeah, fire them. McDonald's is always hiring.

SP Biloxi said...

Forget McDonalds. Let them panhandle for money. While we are on the subject, many of the board of directors for these CEOs who are taken balout money should be fired. Get new board of directors and CEOs with new vision.

Anonymous said...

They made thier companies go down the tubes, they should go with them.