Saturday, April 11, 2009

VA confiscates reporter’s equipment after he interviews a veteran about shoddy care.


On Tuesday, WAMU reporter Eric Schultz attempted to interview Tommie Canady, a veteran from Maryland, about the poor treatment he said he was receiving from the VA. In the middle of the interview at a VA hospital in Washington, DC, a VA communications specialist named Gloria Hairston, “along with two other employees and four armed security guards, stopped Schultz and wouldn’t let him leave until he handed over his [recording] equipment.” A group of veterans stood nearby during the exchange:

One of those veterans, an amputee in a wheelchair, approached Schultz and asked him for his phone number.

“I started to give it to him and then the woman [Hairston] became irate, she said you can’t give him your phone number. You have to give me all of your equipment or I’m going to get ugly. She used the phrase ‘get ugly,’” Schultz says,
Like any good reporter, Schultz stood his ground and called his boss for direction. Longtime newsman Jim Asendio is the news director for WAMU.

“I told him to give them the flash card and get out of there,” Asendio says. “I didn’t want this to get out of hand.”

“What I mostly feel bad about is Mr. Canady,” Schultz told WTOP reporter Mark Segraves. “He was trying to tell his story, he has an amazing story and he was denied a chance to tell his story to the media because of these tactics.” ThinkProgress contacted the VA but has yet to get a response.


PrissyPatriot said...

Yeah, more 'support the troops' rhetoric. Republicans love soldiers as long as they fight like they are told and don't get broken in the process. And damn anyone who tells on them and proves they don't!

airJackie said...

President Obama got his information not for the Generals but the soldiers in the field. Michelle collects the truth from the Military Families as she knew soldiers always make sure they tell their families the truth. I know I heard the truth from Peaches when she was in Afghanistan. Keep watching as more will ocme and General Petraeus was seen as the liar he is as our President heard the truth. Now some soldiers emailed me with their stories of meeting President Obama in his surprise visit, now our guys are sharing the pictures that were taken.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I guess the Get Ugly lady forgot there was a change in the boss at the top. I hope she gets canned. I'd rather pay taxes for her unemployment check than her VA employment check. She doesn't deserve to get a VA paycheck.