Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Update on the Coleman-Franken Senate seat lawsuit.

Franken leads by 312 After Absentee Ballots Opened

Status now: Court recessed for the day. 2:30 PM CDT conference call with Franken lawyers. 351 absentee ballots were opened and counted. Franken received 198, Coleman received 111, and "other" received 42 additional votes. Franken's margin of victory is now 312.

Coleman said that he will appeal if he loses.


airJackie said...

The longeer this goes on the worse it will get for Coleman. He's losing by a wider margin now and he's making himself look like a complete fool. Now the RNC will pay for this to continue. What will be interesting is how the Govenor will handle this.

KittyBowTie1 said...

How many bloody times has Coleman appealed?