Friday, April 10, 2009

Steele laughs off the recession: ‘The malls are just as packed on Saturday’ as they were before

lol Steele must be referring to the food court only.


This morning, GOP chairman Michael Steele guest-hosted Bill Bennett’s talk radio show. During the program, one caller said he could “debate” whether or not the U.S. is currently in the midst of an economic crisis. Steele laughed in agreement and claimed that “[t]he malls are just as packed on Saturday.”:

CALLER: I can really debate about how about that economic crises is because I look around and I don’t see people spending any less money than they have been.STEELE: I’ve heard a number of people say that across the country. [LAUGHTER] The malls are just as packed on Saturday. [LAUGHTER]

CALLER: The malls are just as packed. … You still can’t get seat in a restaurant.


Anonymous said...

Our Love Affair With Malls Is on the Rocks

Some people are having to go to multiple stores just to get the best prices for groceries these days to survive. To hell with the shopping malls and Michael Steele.

SP Biloxi said...

Great article, Anon. And very true. Steele is an idiot and on another planet. Malls are becoming extinct. Either more people are at the food court or people go to the mall to get out of the house for the day. Very few people are shopping and trying to budget.

Steele tends to forget that many of the store are closing and going out of business because store owners simply can't afford the rent for the stores.

The last time that I stepped into a mall, I saw a lot of stores closing out. So, Steele's comment is nothing but a farce and for show.