Wednesday, April 08, 2009

SPB News for Wednesday.

Biden: Israel Strike Of Iran Would Be 'Ill-Advised'

CIA medics joined in Guantánamo torture sessions, report says --Leaked ICRC report claims medical staff monitored terror suspects during waterboarding, recommended continuation of torture Medical personnel committed a "gross breach of medical ethics" by taking part in torture in Guantánamo, a leaked International Committee of the Red Cross document has revealed. The 40-page confidential report, written in 2007, describes how medical staff working for the CIA monitored prisoners' vital signs to make sure they did not drown while being subjected to waterboarding. Medical personnel were also said to be present when prisoners were shackled in a "stress standing position". The detainees were "monitored by health personnel who in some instances recommended stopping the method of ill-treatment, or recommended its continuation, but with adjustments", according to the report. The Red Cross concluded: "The alleged participation of health personnel in the interrogation process and, either directly or indirectly, in the infliction of ill-treatment constituted a gross breach of medical ethics and, in some cases, amounted to participation in torture and/or cruel inhuman or degrading treatment."

Pakistan could collapse within six months: US expert Pakistan could collapse within six months in the face of the snowballing insurgency, a top expert on guerrilla warfare has said. The dire prediction was made by David Kilcullen, a former adviser to top US military commander General David Petraeus.

More US Drone Attacks in Pakistan Planned Despite threats of retaliation from Pakistani militants, senior administration officials said Monday that the United States intended to step up its use of drones to strike militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas and might extend them to a different sanctuary deeper inside the country. On Sunday, a senior Taliban leader vowed to unleash two suicide attacks a week like one on Saturday in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, unless the Central Intelligence Agency stopped firing missiles at militants. Pakistani officials have expressed concerns that the missile strikes from remotely piloted aircraft fuel more violence in the country, and some American officials say they are also concerned about some aspects of the drone strikes.

Chinese financier Le Fang Wei indicted in plot to send nuclear materials to Iran A Chinese financier who peddles nuclear weapons material to Iran was indicted Tuesday for illegally running tens of millions of dollars through a half-dozen New York banks. Le Fang Wei duped six unwitting banks with an assortment of aliases and phony businesses despite a federal banking ban against him, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau said.

US sanctions target Iranian firms The US Treasury imposes sanctions on six Iranian firms and a Chinese company over alleged links to Tehran's missile and nuclear work... The US Treasury said both Iran's Defense Industries Organization and Iran's Ministry of Defense were contributing to the country's nuclear and missile work.

Suspected Obama Plotter Detained, Released in Turkey Turkish authorities said they detained a man in Istanbul last week on suspicion of plotting to kill visiting U.S. President Barack Obama. A Turkish official said Tuesday the man was deemed mentally disturbed and released shortly after he was taken into custody. The arrest occurred Friday, two days before Mr. Obama even arrived in Turkey.

Pentagon spends $100 million to 'fix' cyber attacks The Pentagon spent more than $100 million in the last six months responding to and repairing damage from cyber attacks and other computer network problems, military leaders said Tuesday. Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilton, who heads U.S. Strategic Command, said the military is only beginning to track the costs, which are triggered by constant daily attacks against military networks ranging from the Pentagon to bases around the country.

Sarah Palin Retains Obama's Attorney, Seeks 7-Figure Book Deal(s) Seeking to implement a game plan reminiscent of the one that helped catapult Barack Obama into the White House, former vice-presidential candidate and Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has retained Washington, D.C., attorney Robert Barnett to help her market a book deal that could net a seven-figure advance.

Mass. Sen. Kennedy throws Red Sox first pitch Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy has thrown out the first pitch at Fenway Park. Kennedy, who is being treated for a malignant brain tumor, tossed the ceremonial pitch before Tuesday's season opener between the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays. With fans cheering, Kennedy was driven onto the field by newly elected Hall of Famer Jim Rice in a golf cart.

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