Thursday, April 02, 2009

SPB News for Thursday.

Right Attacks Obama Pick For Views On Internat'l Law

Obama Names Aides At EPA, Education, and Agriculture

Todd Palin: Spending $150K On Clothes 'Out Of Our Control'

Republican Budget: Let's Privatize Medicare!
Petraeus: Israel may strike Iran A top US military official warned Wednesday that Israel may conduct a preemptive strike on Iran over concerns about its development of nuclear weapons. Gen. David Petraeus [Betrayus], the top US commander in the Middle East, told Congress that when it comes to its nuclear activity, Teheran's "obstinacy and obfuscation have forced Iran's neighbors and the international community to conclude the worst about the regime's intentions." He said that could cause Israel to take matters into its own hands.

Al Qaeda is planning attacks on US from Pakistan: Obama --US president says elimination of Al Qaeda in greater interest of Pakistan, Afghanistan United States President Barack Obama on Wednesday said Al Qaeda was planning attacks on the US from its hideouts in Pakistan, a private TV channel reported. Obama said the US would "chase and defeat the terrorist organisation wherever it is present in the world", the channel said.

Chavez calls for Bush indictment Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has called on the international prosecutors to indict George W. Bush for war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan... "So why doesn't the international court indict President [sic] Bush, who committed atrocities over eight years, for example, and annihilated the Iraqi people?" he said on Tuesday, at a summit of Arab and South American countries in Qatar.

Obama White House Close to Settling Missing Emails Case By Nick Baumann The long saga of the missing White House emails may be finally nearing its end. The Obama administration and two nonprofits that are suing it over millions of missing Bush-era emails have called a truce. A joint motion and proposed order filed by Justice Department lawyers and the plaintiffs, the National Security Archive and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), call for an indefinite stay of the case so the two sides can continue settlement negotiations.
Finally catching on, GM turns to the taxpayer to fund fuel efficient cars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The O'Reilly clip on letterman was good. Love the part where Letterman told O'Reilly that him and Limbaugh are too smart to believe what they are saying.

Chavez: Isn't that what Bush & Co. said about Saddam?