Thursday, April 02, 2009

Rove-connected judge recuses self from Paul Minor case

There were startling new developments on Wednesday in a case of alleged political prosecution of a Mississippi attorney.

Once-prominent attorney Paul Minor, jailed on charges of bribery, has alleged that his prosecution was politically motivated and timed to Mississippi's gubernatorial elections. He has also alleged that there was direct involvement by former Bush White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove.
Surprise recusal from judge

The United States 5th Circuit Court of Appeals was scheduled to hear an appeal of the case today. Scheduled to serve on the three-judge panel were Judges Will Garwood, Priscilla R. Owen, and Catherina Haynes. This morning, however, only hours before oral arguments were to be presented, Judge Owen recused herself from the case.

In August of last year, Raw Story reported on Judge Owen's possible conflicts of interest, including connections to former Bush White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove:

Rove had a longstanding interest in Owen's career, beginning in 1994, when Owen hired him as a campaign consultant in her successful bid for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court, paying him $250,000 for his efforts. Rove helped Owen raise over $900,000 for that campaign.

Jim Moore, a long-time Texas journalist who has chronicled Rove's career in several books, including Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential, explained the unique relationship between Rove and Owen in a Wednesday phone interview."

He did everything for her. He created her career.

He handpicked her to go to the Texas Supreme Court when he was trying to take over the Texas Supreme Court," said Moore.

"He was looking for people to groom and raise money for and have in his pipeline. Rove went and plucked her out of obscurity. She was an unknown lawyer in Houston."
Read on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wondering if Holder will do anything about the Rove connected messes at the DOJ. Are the Bush-Rove-Right-Wing..I will do your bidding be allowed to stay on at the DOJ? The trust in Obama/Holder will wane if something is not done.