Friday, April 03, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Friday.

ROTFLMAO: Bill O'Reilly says CrooksandLiars 'fears' Jesse Watters
You have to love Bill O'Reilly. Amanda Carpenter tells him that we posted a
video compilation of Jesse Watters ambushing tactics and he says we're all just a tad bit afraid of the big-bad-Jesse Watters. And Amanda knows me, because we debated each other on MSNBC, so she shouldn't try to hide that fact from Bill.
O’Reilly: Now. The far-left websites fear greatly the vicious guy Jesse Watters. Jesse Watters is now the subject of far-left angst because he goes out and talks to the bad guys. Tell us about that.
Carpenter: Well, basically, there’s been a site, Crooks and Liars, that compiled a bunch of videos of Jesse Watters ambushing a number of people for your segments, and they call this harassment, they say it is absolutely harassment – you know, they’re very frightened at the prospect of a Fox News producer coming after them with a camera and asking them to explain what they write on the Internet or in various newspaper columns.
O’Reilly: It's interesting...They didn’t say anything – we’ve been doing this, I guess, for six or seven years, until the far-left websites got involved. Then they got really nervous. This is, of course, a legitimate brand of journalism, it’s been practiced ever since television news was invented in the ‘60s. When the bad guys won’t comment,* when they run and hide, we will find them.
… You know, it’s funny, one of the people that he talked to [showing Amanda Terkel] – ‘Oh, he yelled at me, and he ran –‘ And then you see the tape. And there’s Jesse being as polite as possible. They’re having a conversation anybody could have. But you know, we don’t expect honesty from these people. Their whole game is deceit. That’s what their game is.

Karl Rove: Obama White House Has Rove-Like ‘Ethical Problems’
In a Wall Street Journal
op-ed and on Fox News, former Bush political adviser Karl Rove accused the Obama White House of “ethical problems” in its “hard-nosed push” to “pressure Congress to adopt the president’s budget.” “The degree of direction the White House is exerting over a lobby campaign” is “unprecedented,” claimed Rove, referring to ad campaigns by Americans United for Change and
When Fox’s Bill Hemmer asked Rove how this was different from the “contact with outside groups” he had during the Bush administration, Rove replied that “it’s fine to say the White House is focused on getting our message out to these members,” but that it’s another thing to “sit down and coordinate on ad copy.”

Rush Limbaugh on Gordon Brown's relationship with Obama at the G-20: "Anal poisoning"
Rick Sanchez was a bit offended by El Rushbo's remarks on Gordon Brown hanging with President Obama:
Limbaugh: The slobbering, the slobbering, this guy folks--- I'm telling you. If he keeps this up throughout the G-20, Gordon Brown will come down with anal poisoning and may die from it.
Sanchez: Anal poisoning. Think about what he is saying there, maybe no, better yet, don't.


PrissyPatriot said...

OMG somebody give that Rover a criminal complaint!! How's this: I am complaining that he is a criminal and that I can prove that...

Anonymous said...

Since when does Rove have the right to comment on what is right and wrong? He only knows wrong.

On Rush, we have seen enough drooling over Cheney from the right wing nut jobs the last 8 years.