Friday, April 03, 2009

Palin echoes Alaska GOP: Sen. Begich should step down to allow new election.


Yesterday, the Alaska Republican Party called for Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) to step down and allow for a new election, in the wake of Attorney General Holder voiding former senator Ted Stevens’s guilty verdict, due to prosecutorial misconduct. This afternoon, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) echoed those calls and pressed for a new election:
“A special election will allow Alaskans to have a real, non-biased, credible process where the most qualified person could win, without the manipulation of the Department of Justice,” the release stated.
“I absolutely agree,” Palin responded in an e-mail to the News-Miner. She said Begich should step down pending a special election.
Though Palin is now enthusiastically jumping back on the Stevens bandwagon, she was more wary when he was first convicted, backing away from an earlier call that he resign and refusing to say whether she would vote for his re-election.

Begich's response to Uncle Ted's request to step down?: Yeah right.


We told you how the Alaska Republican party earlier today reacted to the news that the Justice Department is dropping the charges against Ted Stevens by absurdly calling for the resignation of Sen. Mark Begich, the Democrat who beat Stevens last fall.
Well, now Begich has put out a statement in response:
I got into the Senate race long before Senator Stevens' legal troubles began because Alaskans were looking for a change and a senator as independent as Alaska. Today, with our country in a severe recession, it's more important than ever that we have a senator focused on fixing our economy so Alaskans have the jobs they need to support their families. That is my job in the Senate, and I'm honored to serve Alaskans for the next six years.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Sarah should be worrying about her own job. After attacking Obama on the Stimulus and saying she would refuse it she secretly accepted it in hopes no one would know. Uncle Ted is finished and it was his own words they lost the election for him. As he said on tape he had done many other crimes and he's pay his way out of this one two. Now the charges are dropped but the crime was committed. Sarah might try to find her daughter Bristol a husband for and father for Bristol's two sons. Family moral/Values don't look good with the Palin Family and who knows Bristol might get pregnant again as Sarah will have to ask yet again " Who's the Daddy?"