Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Open thread for Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

The right wing had their run for eight years and it left this mess.
They can yip and yap all they want now since they did not when the Ayatollah Cheney was running things.

airJackie said...

Yes as Barack continues to make history the dogs are barking and going to Britney's concerts. Let's see we have talked to Russia/Iran and new policy on Israel and now letting the Foreign Leaders know the United States has an educated repectful President in charge, with and educated qualified US Treasury Secretary and Secretary of State. No more piano playing like Rice or talking stupid taking idiot like Hank Paulson. In other words don't let the big ears and lovely smile fool you behind that is a man who can take care of business and work for the American people. Even Israel is lost as they no longer have a puppet to use.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ha, ha. See how annoying my canine counterparts can be?

KittyBowTie1 said...

The big vote is April 7th. A bunch of cities will vote if they want to get the hell out of Cook County and the Toddler's taxes.