Thursday, April 09, 2009

Open thread for Thursday.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Levi is talking and I mean all over the Stations. Who ever will pay him for an interview he's there. One person asked him who should we believe him or Sarah? He said I'm telling the truth that they didn't want to me. Ask about Bristol he said she now has a new boyfriend and he has moved on but he will care for his son.

Now must didn't bothered to pay attention but Bristol's delivery of her second son was in enough time for the first child to be her's. Before Google removed Sarah's photos from the plane when she said she was coming back to deliver her baby. Well three shops showed her walking down the steps of the plane and running to the waiting car. Remember the outfit she wore on the TV Debate with VP Biden. Well it was a black shirt tight a little above the knee with a light green jacket that cut above the waist. Now in clear view their was no baby bump at all and girl friend didn't look like a woman about to deliver a baby. I read the stewardess's comments who said she looked great no sign of a baby and no one even said anything about her flying. Asked about what she had on the plane she had the salad lunch package and a glass of wine. Sarah was very friendly and the workers thought she was great. Notice the glass of wine with the meal as this is a woman about to deliver a baby. The hospital refused information on this matter but did say both Sarah/Bristol and Todd were at the hospital. Strange as the clerk said Bristol and Todd were at the hospital first and then Sarah came. Yes it took her several hours to drive as she even passed many places that could have helped her. Sarah should have at lease made herself look like she was having a baby. Neighbors laughed and just said yes she said she had a baby. A teenage classmate of Bristols said Bristol left school and came back about 6 months later. The reporter asked why he said her Mother said she was sick but we know she was having a baby. Now it's still left with the question like Levi said who do you believe?