Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Obama will be the first U.S. president to attend a White House Seder.


Last night, the White House released President Obama’s schedule for the remainder of the week, which included participation in the White House Seder on Thursday:

On Thursday, President Obama will participate in an event at the White House where he will discuss the need to enhance the quality of healthcare afforded to members of our Armed Forces and our Veterans. The Press Secretary will brief in the afternoon. President Obama and his family will mark the beginning of Passover with a Seder at the White House with friends and staff.

The Jerusalem Post notes that Thursday’s event is “believed to be the first White House Seder attended by an American president.” Yesterday, Obama also issued an official White House letter with his “warmest wishes to all celebrating the sacred festival of Passover.” “Chag sameach,” he added. (HT: JMZ)

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