Friday, April 10, 2009

No honorary degree for Obama--They save those for Goldwater and O'Connor


As you may have heard by now, Barack Obama will deliver a commencement address to the graduates of Arizona State University on May 13, but ASU won't return the favor by granting him an honorary degree.

Sharon Keeler, a spokeswoman for the university told Politico, "It's normally awarded to someone who has been in their field for some time."

"Considering that the president is at the beginning of his presidency, his body of work is just beginning," she said.

Just for fun, we pulled up ASU's list of honorary degree recipients and did some Google-ing and discovered a couple interesting things:

Barry Goldwater received his honorary degree in May 1961, three years before his failed bid for the presidency and only eight years into his three decades as a U.S. senator. And according to the East Valley Tribune "Sandra Day O'Connor was similarly recognized just three years in her 25 years on the U.S. Supreme Court."

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