Friday, April 03, 2009

Flashback: In his last year in office, Bush still didn’t know what the G20 was.


President Obama — in a departure from President Bush — has made a point during his G20 visit to emphasize that the economic crisis demands a collective global response. Indeed, in a phone call with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd last October about the financial collapse, Rudd told Bush that the best response should involve the broader G20, including China — while Bush wanted response to be handled within the G7. Bush, however, reportedly didn’t have a clue what the G20 was:

Informed sources have confirmed the discussion took place on a speaker telephone with a Rudd staffer taking notes.After the President explained the pressure from Europe for a G7-brokered action on supporting the credit sector and reforming regulation, Rudd immediately insisted the G20 was the solution.

Rudd was then stunned to hear Bush say: “What’s the G20?”


airJackie said...

No wonder the World Leaders waited for Obama to take office. With two idiots representing the US like President Bush who didn't know why he was at the G-20 Summit and Hank Paulson who knew nothing about Economics. Well the one thing the World Leaders did know it was the US who started the run on GREED and Corruption as other join in from around the World.

PrissyPatriot said...

He didn't understand what the American justice system was either.

Anonymous said...

Great picture of him at the last Summit he embarrased us at. The picture says it all.

markie said...

no suprise here. lol

Anonymous said...

Mark Shields tonight said "What a stark difference the summit saw from Obama and his predecesor"
Yes, and even Brooks had to comment on because of his intelligence we made more progress at the G20.