Friday, April 03, 2009

Blago on indictment: I'm innocent!

Here we go...

A recap: I posted that Blago faced 65 years. That was an error on my part since I left out the other counts and the years from yesterday's post. Blago face 16 counts. Much of each count faces 20 years. Therefore, the correct amount of years: Blago is facing a maximum 325 years in prison. 65 years or 325 years, Blago will never see the light of day from that sentence or even serving half of the sentence if found guilty.

Also, Blago release his statement:

(PRNewsChannel) / Tampa, Fla. / Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich released the following statement, via the PR firm that represents him, responding to the indictment announced by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Illinois:
"I'm saddened and hurt but I am not surprised by the indictment. I am innocent. I now will fight in the courts to clear my name. I would ask the good people of Illinois to wait for the trial and afford me the presumption of innocence that they would give to all their friends and neighbors."
The PR firm representing the governor, The Publicity Agency, will send out alerts and advisories as developments warrant.

On a side note: 365 years is a lot for Blago's indictment. However, should Blago be found guilty, prosecutor can use federal guidelines to decide his sentence which the sentence is a lot less. But then again, Ken Lay, ex-CEO of Enron, was found guilty with a sentencing of 100 years plus in jail before his strange death. Blago is innocent until proven guilty. Blago has no criminal record.


PrissyPatriot said...

Crim complaint, then indictment...Yet he couldn't file a criminal complaint on Chainee?

Well Blago schmago-unless of course, Rahm goes down with him-then I take it all back LOL

Anonymous said...

Many on the indictment with Blagojevich have multiple indictments now, Cellini, Kelly, etc. eventually they will get more. Blagojevich's wife seemed to have a lot of involment, she could be later. Also they have Harris, who is cooperating, also he was Mayor Daley's Chief of Staff before going to the Blago team.

airJackie said...

My first thought when I heard the breaking news that G-Rod was indicted was this: Put an APB out for a little man wearing a Micky Mouse outfit running to get a boat. This Mouse is considered dangerous. For assistance call all kitty cats to sniff him out.

Now for real I wouldn't be surprised if G-Rod tried to get away if not he will play all the power people he knows to help him out. This will be interesting as G-Rod knows the game and worked with both Parties during his politicial years. We see some Law Makers we thought were honest but they to fell for the pay to play. I've notice Diane Feinstein is laying low and out of sight because she doesn't want her crimes to come out. Pelosi is taking something either drinking or pills she so scared. G-Rod if nothing else is a very smart man and will use anyone to save himself and his wife. Now Renzo is singing but G-Rod has more names and money trails to show Baby Fitz for a plea bargin deal. Don't be surprised if former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert's name is on the list as he lined his pockets with not only Saddam's money and the taxpayers money but the citizens of Illinois's money too.

SP Biloxi said...

"Well Blago schmago-unless of course, Rahm goes down with him-then I take it all back"


If you would read the indictment, Rahm was being used by Blago to extort money from Rahm. Rahm was the Congressional leader for the
5th district.

As far as Fitz getting Dick Cheney, as I recall Cheney was interviewed by Fitz and Cheney, like Bush, was not under oath during their interview with Fitzgerald in 2004. And Cheney basicially denied his part in the Plame matter. The key of nabbing Dick has been all along those missing 250 emails which is still a mystery and Fitz had been trying to get those emails.

SP Biloxi said...

Also, Rove, on the other hand, was under oath and gave conflicting testimony 5 times. It has been a mystery to me and Jason Leopold with the proof aletter that Rove' lawyer claimed to have said that Fitz faxed to him saying that Rove would not be charged.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and remember Rod Blagojevich had the 5th distrist Congressional post before Rahm Emmanual, and it certainly looks like Mike Quigley (CC comish, who ran the Dem primary against the Toddler for Pres of CC) will get elected (he won the primary for the Democrat, but since it is a blue territory the GOP candidate has a slim to none chance of getting it.
So, that means an open CC Comish post, sigh and that in itself will bring in a lot of interesting events, lets hope it goes better than the last open posts, remember, Bobbie Steele interim CC pres annointed son Robert to her open CC Comish post, and lest we forget how Bill Beavers got his CC comish post.

By the way Blago still has his DC condo, from when he was a Congressman, that the feds might take over, see indictment.