Friday, April 10, 2009

BillO the Clown lashes a new falafel attack: Eminem's Palin spoof video

Roger Ebert is yesterday's news for the Falafel King. Ah, yes, BillO's new prey is rapper Eminem.

Eminem's new video "We Made You" mocks women who have dominated the news in the last year. Set up as a spoof of the Bret Michaels reality show Rock Of Love, Em pokes fun of Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Aniston, Amy Winehouse, Ellen DeGeneres and Sarah Palin.

Though critics can find fault with all of the portrayals, The O'Reilly Factor host Bill O'Reilly defends just one of the women-Sarah Palin, the Alaska Governor who was the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate.

O'Reilly, a longtime hip-hop antagonist, calls Eminem's depiction of Palin crude. A Palin lookalike dressed in a low cut bustier and business suit sits atop of an office desk, flirting with a shirtless Eminem posing as Palin's husband.

O'Reilly is upset the media has not condemned Em for the video. "Eminem is obviously on an obscene rant about Sarah Palin," O'Reilly says in Wednesday's broadcast. "Totally obscene. Totally inappropriate. Nothing good about it."

O'Reilly feels that political analysts for Media Matters, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and NBC should have called Eminem to task for his treatment of Palin.

"The video means nothing," O'Reilly says. "It plays before kids who are confused. But the hypocrisy and the dishonesty of the media does mean something in this country. It is out of control and is demonstrable by this."
Read on.

Here are Eminem's lyrics about Palin:

Well I can be as gentle and as smooth as a gentleman

Give me my venom, an inhaler, and two Xenadrine,

And I'll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner,

then Nail her. Baby, say hello to my little friend.

Palin is now Eminem's stimulus package. Is there a green eye of envy from BillO since no one is paying attention to the blowhard?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Roger Ebert wrote what every professional in the business thinks.

Falafel King, think his biggest audience still has a Confederate flag flying.

And some of his book to and for children...went into more than one printing. This alone is way too scary.

Hey Falafel King is the blowhard for the GOP, when people wake up, or get the memo to take down the Confederate flags the war is over and they lost, then he will loose his base.