Friday, March 13, 2009

Special edition of SPB News.

Late yesterday, I receive this email from a retired military soldier name Robert Hartsfield who suffers from the diagnosis of PTSD [ post traumatic stress disorder ]. He served in the 1st Gulf War, Haiti, Bosnia, and support to Afghanistan. In his email to me, he wrote:

The media refuses to hear a Veteran getting Fired for PTSD during a time when unemployment is so high and our economy is so bad, maybe you will……..

I forwarded Mr. Robert Hartsfield's email to Jason Leopold. As you may or may not know, Jason has written extensively on post traumatic stress and the failures of the government to take care of our veterans. I was copied the email that Jason sent to Mr. Hartsfield. Hopefully, Mr. Hartsfield and Jason will connect. Also, Jason launched a new non profit called The Veterans Project at Hopefully, Mr. Hartsfield will get the help that he needs. But, more importantly, this issue is much more awared in the media and the public and that the government need to take aggressive action to care for the vets and the awareness of PTSD. Will keep you posted.

Here is the video that Mr. Hartsfield passed along to me. The video is a talk by Aaron Glantz author of "The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle Against America's Veterans" recorded February 26, 2009 at Town Hall Seattle. It is 43 minutes long but it is worth watching:


PrissyPatriot said...

Great work to all concerned. This military family certainly appreciates it!

airJackie said...

SPB Military Families have spoken up about this as no one is listening. Thank you for putting it out there. Michelle Obama is making her rounds to Military Families and I will make sure I read her about this. It's so sad to hear Support Our Troops knowing it just lip service. Not even the Generals care about our troops.