Saturday, March 14, 2009

SC Gov. Sanford gives a bizarre comparison accepting stimulus cash to Zimbabwe.

Crooks and Liars:

David Shuster invited Rep. Jim Clyburn on to his morning MSNBC broadcast to talk about Mark Sanford's latest bizarre twist in his attempts to defend his refusal to take federal stimulus money for his state:

Sanford told reporters in South Carolina that he still intends to turn down millions in stimulus cash, despite the likelihood of his state legislature accepting the cash -- and criticism by House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) that rejecting any payments would disproportionately harm African American residents.

"What you're doing is buying into the notion that if we just print some more money that we don't have, send it to different states - we'll create jobs... If that's the case why isn't Zimbabwe a rich place?"..."why isn't Zimbabwe just an incredibly prosperous place. Cause they're printing money they don't have and sending it around to their different - I don't know the towns in Zimbabwe but that same logic is being applied there with little effect."
Clyburn largely elaborated on the point
he made originally:

"Sounds like he's playing the race card," Clyburn said. "[W]hy would he compare this country to Zimbabwe? Is he comparing this president to Mugabe? What is this about? It's very strange to me."

... "I'm sure he would not say that, but how did he get to Zimbabwe? What took the man to Zimbabwe? Someone should ask him if that's really the best comparison. ... How can he compare this country's situation to Zimbabwe?"

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Are these people mentally ill or what. This one is strange and some what sick. Zimbabwe is nothing like the United States of America. I'd like to think this had nothing to do with race but then again who knows with these wackos. Just think this idiot wants to be President. Next we'll hear the Grand Poobah Limbaugh and Republican Economic Adviser Joe the Plummer will run for President.