Saturday, March 07, 2009

Obama: Economy is both crisis and opportunity.

White House website:

In his March 7th weekly address, the President capped off a busy week in Washington remarking on new lending guidelines aimed at lowering mortgage payments; an initiative to generate funds for small business and college loans; the release of his administration's first budget which includes $2T in deficit reduction, and the start of long overdue health care reform.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Everyday President Obama impresses me more. He has shown in a short time he's a man of his word and he picked the best Cabinet to complete the US Recovery. These guys are so smart I found my home town and how much money we got and how it will be accounted for. No wonder PM Brown was so impressed with Obama on his visit and why the Law Makers of both Parties are scared. Now I know the corrupt Mayor of my town and the corrupt Congressman can't get their hands on the Stimulus money. If only the TV anaylsis would read the White House website even a 5th grader could follow it. The World Leaders are watching closely at our new young President and so far he's got an A+. Even the Iran Supreme Leader is checking Obama out and that's important. Now Hillary is doing her part at laying down the foundation for Obama to take charge. It will take time for our so called enemies to realize Bush is long gone and truely forgotten.