Friday, March 13, 2009

Former Gitmo UK detainee blames UK for mistreatment.

A UK resident freed from Guantanamo Bay has said he would not have faced torture or extraordinary rendition but for British involvement in his case.

US interrogators told him, "This is the British file and this is the American file," Binyam Mohamed, 30, told the BBC in his first broadcast interview.

He said he wanted to see ex-President George Bush put on trial and, if there were evidence, former UK PM Tony Blair.

The UK says it does not condone torture, but will examine any claims.

The US has dropped all charges against Mr Mohamed.

BBC News reporter Jon Manel, who conducted the interview at a secret location, said that Mr Mohamed looked "very thin" and claimed to be suffering from health problems.

More from BBC News.

Here is Binyam Mohamed interview.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

This young man's case is heartbreaking and all Americans and Brits should be ashame of the Leaders that allowed this to happen. How many more horror stories will be hear in the future and what about those we killed. We the United States of American Torture innocent men/woman/children and that's a fact we can no longer hide. We can change even blame but the facts still remain we allow this to happen by not stopping the Bush Administration. The Brits have to deal with Blair who openly lied and went along with the criminal War Crimes of the Bush Administration. What's even sadder is some Americans don't seem to care about what our country has done. We looked for the terrorist as all we had to do was look in the mirror.