Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Former Bush aide embezzled $579K

A former aide to then-President George W. Bush used money he stole from a government-funded nonprofit to pay student loans and credit card debt and to purchase a car, a truck, a piano and artwork, according to documents filed this month at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Felipe E. Sixto, 29, who was an associate director at the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, also spent $50,000 on groceries and restaurants, paid $142,000 to family members, and used $82,000 for a mortgage payment and another $19,000 for medical bills, the documents show. The detailed spending was listed in a 26-page memorandum seeking leniency filed by Kathleen E. Voelker, a Washington lawyer representing Sixto. She said that Sixto had made restitution to the Center for a Free Cuba, or CFC, a nonprofit that promotes democracy in Cuba.
Read on.


PrissyPatriot said...

Another typical Bushie entitlement perk?

Anonymous said...

This is the one who got caught, there are still much bigger fish

airJackie said...

Yes there are many others as it starts from the top and works it way down. Look Americans watched Bush/Cheney steal 11 Trillion dollars and do nothing about it so I guess these aides felt it was policy.